Imperia Online World Cup 2024 - Group Phase

- Start on 28.10.2024, 03:00 pm server time [GMT +2] .
- Duration: 14 days.
- Only national teams participate in the Group Phase, formed by the Qualifiers Top 30 players from each country.
- The Top 10 teams from the 2023 World Cup will receive in their Alliance Treasury 8 500 000 expiring diamonds, as a reward for their accomplishments in the former tournament.

Game Rules
- Realm speed is Mega-Blitz x 10, with the exception of missions which have travel speeds x4.
- All countries that have at least 5 registered members in the Qualifiers will form national teams; national teams are allocated between 9 Groups. Each national team is represented by an Alliance that carries the name of the relevant country.
- All teams are distributed between the 9 Groups. The Group Phase distribution of the 36 teams which have the best ranking in the previous three World Cups (2021, 2022 and 2023) will be drawn at the Qualifiers end. All other teams will be distributed to a random group. Each team competes against the rest of the teams in its Group for a chance to play at the Finals.
- The Global Map is shared for all teams, with a size of 2000х2000, and it’s divided into 9 Quadrants.
- Each Group is placed within a separate Quadrant as follows:
1st Quadrant - Group 6;
2nd Quadrant - Group 3;
3rd Quadrant - Group 7;
4th Quadrant - Group 2;
5th Quadrant - Group 9;
6th Quadrant - Group 5;
7th Quadrant - Group 8;
8th Quadrant - Group 1;
9th Quadrant - Group 4.
Teams from any given Group may survey the entire Global Map; however, they can only spy, attack and conquer Castles within the borders of their own Quadrant.
- There are 4 Alliance Castles for each Quadrant.
- Within the first 24 hours from the Group Phase start, all players will be protected from attacks.
- The minimum time for donating army is 10 minutes.
- Diamonds withdraw out of the alliance treasury will be allowed. The withdrawn diamonds are expiring and will expire at the end of the tournament.
- The base limit for instant research is 3 hours instead of 12 hours. The higher the development, the net worth points and the number of diamonds spent for instant research, the higher the limit gets.
- The army upkeep will vary depending on the percent that the army represents from the total networth of the player.
- All terrain modifiers will be with increased values. In relation to this, neutral terrains will also grant bonuses and modifiers to the empire. Additionally, the terrain of alliance holdings is always neutral, and they will also be affected by the modifiers from neutral terrains.
- Players will be able to send all types of resources to their allies.
- The number of attacks that each player can send to barbarian camps and independent cities is limited to 30 and 50 attacks per day.
- Each Barbarian camp defeated by а player will increase the size of the army of the next attacked Barbarian camp by a certain percentage. The increase is specific to the attacking player and will not affect the army that other players will see in the camp. The Barbarian army increase modifier in the camps returns its original value at the beginning of each day.
- After 7 hours, units with completed training will be auto-mobilized on login or on each hour while the player is online.
- Тhe attacker will no longer receive gold for the pillaged population, but 50% of it. Captured population will be unloaded in the domain from which the attack was sent. In case that it was a military post, the captured population would be lost.
- The Heroic Army will be available.
- The teams will be able to craft alliance items.
- The Alliance Growth module will be available for all teams.
- Higher levels of fortresses in alliance holdings - up to level 11, will be available for construction.
- The specialization of the army will be available.
- Victory against barbarian camps and and independent cities brings a 100% chance of item drop. Items will have duration of 12 hours.
- No reinforcements.
- No tournaments.
- No Vacation Mod.
- No Holiday Protection.
- No Daily quests.
- No global events.
- No Resource camps.
- No Caves of Conquest.
- No Wonders.
- No medals for Leagues.
- No respin of the Wheel of Fortune.
- Special resource Diamonds and special resource Rich field of Diamonds will not be available.
- Alliance Premium with a single time charge fee will be available and will be active for 5 weeks during both group phase and final phase.
- Non-aggression Pact and Federation alliance relations are disabled.
- Players cannot leave their Alliance.
- Leaders and their First officers cannot invite or kick Alliance members.
- The top player of the Qualifiers for each country will automatically be assigned as a Leader of that country’s team. Members of each team will be able to vote for a new Leader in order to replace him or her.
- Managing of several accounts is not allowed.
- One player may assign all of his allies as babysitters, and he can be appointed himself as a babysitter of all other accounts.
- Locking attacks will work on a new principle. The networth of the attacking army must be at least 20% of the networth of the defender. The locking will occur only in the last 10 minutes before the battle instead of during the whole period in which the attack is visible.

- A dedicated module through which players can be nominated for removal from the national team.
- The Leader and the First Officer can nominate players, only if there are at least 20 members of the Alliance.
- The voting duration is 24 hours, or until the necessary votes are collected, whichever comes first. The minimum number of votes, necessary for a player to be expelled, equals the number of team members minus 3. (Teams whose number of active members is not enough to kick a player out of the national team need to contact the customer support team of the game. Active members are those who have connected to the game within the last 48 hours.)
- If a player is voted for removal, the IO team will remove him or her from the Alliance, and replace him or her with a Reserve player, on the first day of business after the voting was concluded.
- A removed player will leave the tournament and cannot compete for another Alliance.
- Each team that has collected the maximum number of players will have up to 3 Reserve players.
- Reserve players are the players from the 31st, 32nd and 33rd places in the Qualifiers.
- An Alliance will be able to change some of its members for Reserve players only within the first 72 hours of the Group Phase.
- After the first 72 hours, no further changes of the player rosters are allowed.
- Players that have been removed from a national team will lose the “National Contestant” medal.

Influence & Alliance Castles
- Castles expand their area of influence through the construction of Great Temple; however, their influence is not accounted for as a percentage of map area retained, but as the accumulation of Influence Points instead.
- 1 account / Exclusive Zone / Capital within the influence area of an Alliance Castle = 1 Influence Point.
- Influence Points are accumulated over time, and are being awarded each hour after 3 hours of the castle conquer have passed.
- If an Alliance loses control over one of its Alliance Castles – it still gets to keep the Influence Points accumulated so far.
Example: If at the time of accounting, Alliance X has 4 Castles and within the influence area of one them fall 30 players, while in the areas of the rest – 10 players each, then Alliance X will be awarded 60 Influence Points. An hour later, during the next accounting, if the Alliance has lost its Castles that influence 10 players, then it will only gain 30 Influence Points from its last Castle. Since its accumulated Influence Points are never lost, Alliance X now has a total of 90 Influence Points.
- If an account falls within the area of influence of the two Castles, it will grant Influence Points to the Castle with the higher level of Great Temple. If both Castles have the same level of Great Temple – the account grants Influence Points to the closest Castle.
- During the Group Phase, the castle influence is only taken into account for its own Quadrant. The influence area of a Castle that falls outside of its Quadrant is ignored, and no Alliance may gain Influence Points from an account that is not within the same Quadrant.
- The occupation of an alliance castle is going to happen through a new module – allegiance. Successful fortress sieges against an alliance castle will not drop levels from its fortress but will rather take away points from the new indicator allegiance. Each castle will have a maximum allowed allegiance according to the level of its fortress. The only way to increase allegiance is through time – 1 point is recovered every 15 minutes until the maximum is reached. When an alliance conducts a successful fortress siege against a castle a certain amount of allegiance will be taken from the castle. The exact amount of allegiance taken will depend on a new alliance technology – conqueror. The higher its level the more allegiance points can be taken in a single hit. A castle is considered taken when an alliance manages to reduce its allegiance to 0. This new technology will have a second type of effect – it determine the starting allegiance of a newly taken castle – be it independent or conquered from other alliance. The values for starting allegiance will be the same as the ones that the alliance takes away with each of its attacks. Only attacks with alliance army will be able to take away allegiance points of a castle. The independent castles don’t have allegiance, an independent castle is conquered when less than 1000 military units are left in it.
- In order to conquer a castle, which is already occupied by a rival alliance, you should have at least 1 level of Conqueror researched.
- The maximum number of donated units for both rally points and castles is 500 million.
- Castles controlled by alliances will be subjected to ascending by level nomad attacks every 2 hours. The castles can be simultaneously attacked by other alliances as well. Losing a nomad attack also brings an automatic loss of the castle.
- Nomad attacks will not grant gold from supply train.

Goals and victory

- The goal of the Group Phase is to qualify for the Finals, where the IO Champion will be determined.
- The Top 3 team from each Group, determined by Influence Points, will continue to the Finals.
- If two or more Alliances are tied for the same place – they’re ranked by the time at which they achieved their Influence Points score; those who accumulated the score earlier are awarded a higher ranking.
- If less than 3 teams have accumulated Influence Points, the rest of Top 3 is populated according to the amount of net-worth Points.
- Teams that ranked 4th in the 9 Group rankings are compared by Influence Points first, and -if needed- also by net worth Points. The top 3 of these teams are also allowed to enter the Finals.

- 1st place in the Group – entry in the Finals and 1 700 000 expiring diamonds in the Alliance Treasury.
- 2nd place in the Group – entry in the Finals and 1 020 000 expiring diamonds in the Alliance Treasury.
- 3rd place in the Group – entry in the Finals.
- 4-the place in the Group – a chance for entry in the Finals.

World Cup Finals

- Start on 14.11.2024, 03:00 pm server time [GMT +2]
The top 30 teams from the Group Phase qualify for the Finals, where they continue the battle for the ultimate title - Champion of Imperia Online. The rules that govern the Finals are the same as in the Group Phase, with the following exceptions:
- The Finals take place on the same map as the Group Phase.
- All accounts of the winning teams in the Group Phase retain their places on the map.
- There are 36 Alliance Castles on the map.
- The development of accounts and Alliances gets reset; however, all diamonds from the Qualifiers or the Group Phase will be preserved. All expiring diamonds will be lost, except those that were received from Team Offers, e-pin code, received as a reward for account level upgrade or taken out of the alliance treasury. All expiring items will be lost, except those that were purchased as a part of a diamond offer.
- All expiring diamonds, including those received from Team Offers, do not transfer to other realms after the end of the World Cup.

Game Rules: These parameters remain the same as in the Group Phase with the exception of:
- Teams have full access to the whole map and all of the 36 castles.
- Within the first 24 hours from the Finals start, all players and alliance holdings will be protected from attacks.
- The Wonders will be available, including Wonders which can be built for diamonds only.
- Nomad attacks will not grant gold from supply train during the Finals as well.
- Special resource Diamonds and special resource Rich field of Diamonds will be available.

- The Leader and the First Officer can nominate players, only if there are at least 20 members of the Alliance.
- The voting duration is 24 hours, or until the necessary votes are collected, whichever comes first.
- For a player to be expelled, at least 66% of the team members must vote him out. (Teams whose number of active members is not enough to kick a player out of the national team need to contact the customer support team of the game. Active members are those who have connected to the game within the last 48 hours.)
- If a player is voted for removal, the IO team will remove him or her from the Alliance, and replace him or her with a Reserve player (if available), on the first day of business after the voting was concluded.
- In the first 72 hours from the start of the Finals any expelled players will be automatically replaced by Reserve players (if available); players expelled after this period cannot be replaced.
- A removed player will leave the tournament and cannot compete for another Alliance.
- Players that have been removed from a national team will lose the “Finalist” medal. If there is a remaining reserve who hasn’t joined the team until the end of the tournament, they will still receive the medal, just like the other members of the national team.
- Reserve players are the players from the 31st, 32nd and 33rd places in the Qualifiers. If all of the Reserves were substituted during the Group Phase, no additional Reserves will be available.

Influence and Alliance Castles:These parameters remain the same as in the Group Phase with the exception of:
- The Castle influence and the Influence Points accumulation is applied across the whole Global Map, and for all of the 36 Castles.

The World Cup Finals end after 3 weeks. The Alliance with the most Influence Points is declared a Champion, while the teams placed 2nd and 3rd by Influence Points become silver and bronze medalists respectively.
- If two Alliances are tied for the 1st place, the World Cup will continue after its third week, until such moment when one of the tied teams will gain even a minimal advantage in Influence points.
- If less than three teams have Influence Points, the other medalist teams will be determined by the number of Points of the Alliance.
- If two Alliances are tied for 2nd place, the World Cup can still end; the 2nd place will go to the tied teams who has achieved its Influence Points first.

- The Champion team of World Cup 2024 will receive 25 500 000 expiring diamonds.
- The name of the winning Alliance will be engraved on a silver plate at the base of the Cup of the One.
- All players, members of the Champion team will be sent gold medals, and second and third team will be sent silver and bronze medals respectively.

- The players of the Champion team will permanently be identified by an ’Imperia Online World Cup Champion’ medal in the rankings, and in their profiles. All members receive 5000 points for the Hall of Fame.
- Players of the second and the third Alliances will permanently be identified by silver and bronze medal respectively in the rankings, and in their profiles. They will receive 3000 and 1500 points respectively for the Hall of Fame.

*The Imperia Online Team reserves its right to change the rules of the tournament at any time without prior notification or explanation to the participants.